The Public Relations Institute of Ireland (PRII) is committed to protecting the interests of the membership body, supporting and enabling the professional and career development of members, and advocating for the profession while abiding by the Constitution of the Institute.
For further information on our Constitution (Memorandum & Articles), National Council, and Past Presidents see below:
National Council
National Council is the governing body of the Institute, with Council members directly elected by voting members at the Institute's AGM. The President is the highest elected officer of the Institute and serves a two-year term. Ultimately, all acts undertaken by the PRII's officers and executive staff are in the name of, and with the authority of, the National Council.
The current National Council is as follows:

Paul Hand, MPRII
Paul Hand has served as PRII Honorary Treasurer since 2022. As Senior Press Officer at ESB, he develops and deploys strategic and bespoke media plans, anchored in the company’s Net Zero 2040 strategy. Paul’s 18-year communications career spans other high profile public institutions in Ireland and abroad, including at the Houses of the Oireachtas and the Department of An Taoiseach.
Vice President

Joan Mulvihill, MPRII
Joan Mulvihill is the Digitalisation and Creativity Evangelist at Siemens. She has been at the forefront of digital transformation in Ireland for over fifteen years. A skilled and experienced creative and communicator and a past winner of the Public Affairs campaign category in the Awards for Excellence in Public Relations, Joan is committed to leveraging technology for good.
Joan serves as an Independent member of the National Council.
Since the foundation of the PRII in 1953, the following individuals have served as President:
1953 E.A. Lawlor
1957 Lesley Luke
1960 Aidan O“Hanlon
1961 L.J. Harty
1962 Michael Colley
1963 Hugh O'Neill
1964 Richard O'Farrell
1965 Tim Dennehy
1966 Don MacDonagh
1967 Capt Jack Millar
1968 Aidan O'Hanlon
1969 Niall O'Flynn
1970 Michael Colley
1971 Tim Dennehy
1972 Pat Heneghan
1973 Joe Dillon
1974 Capt Jack Millar
1975 Dick Hinchy
1976 Michael Colley
1977 Tim Dennehy
1978 Pat Heneghan
1979 Peter Sweetman
1980 John McMahon
1981 Paul Kelly
1982 Michael Dennehy
1983 Barbara Wallace
1985 Larry Sheedy
1986 Jim Walsh
1988 John McMahon
1990 Betty Griffin
1992 David Lawlor
1993 Flan Clune
1994 Francis X. Carty
1996 Roddy Guiney
1998 Nigel Heneghan
2000 Carmel Doyle
2002 Michael Patten
2004 Pat Montague
2006 Justin Green
2008 Paddy Hughes
2011 Barry Kenny
2012 Niall Quinn
2015 Jacqueline Hall
2017 Cian Connaughton
2019 Padraig McKeon
2022 David Geary
2024 Paul Hand