Taking place online from 09:30 am to 11:30 am on Wednesday,25 September this Internal Comms Masterclass with Joanna Parsons, author of 'Innovative Internal Communication: How Creativity, Curiosity and Technology can Create Lasting Impact', will be a hands-on, practical session for anyone working in internal communications.

The latest Internal Communications in Ireland Report highlights that one of the key challenges for internal communicators is a lack of clear direction or support from senior leadership, and part of the reason behind that is often the absence of a defined role and purpose of internal communications with the organisation.

Participants will go away from this Masterclass with an understanding of the importance of defining their purpose within the organisation and how they add value. Joanna will guide participants through exercises on how to define their purpose, getting alignment on that from leaders and then using that to stay laser focused to deliver results.

Ciara Flaherty, MPRII, Client Director with Springboard Communications will also present the findings of the latest 'Internal Communications in Ireland Report', during this masterclass.