19 Aug 2024

Broadcast Moratorium Consultation

This will be of interest to our members working in public affairs. An Coimisiún na Meán/the Media Commission is holding a public consultation on the broadcast moratorium applied in advance of elections and referendums.

The Commission’s Consultation Document can be accessed here - Broadcast Moratorium Consultation Paper on the Commission’s website.

The broadcast moratorium is an aspect of regulatory guidance issued by Coimisiún na Meán under the Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality in News and Current Affairs that applies to broadcasters. The moratorium bans discussion of election/referendum issues on broadcast media from 2 pm on the day preceding the election/referendum until the time at which the polls close on voting day, usually 10 pm on that day.

This Consultation Document asks whether, and if so how, the broadcast moratorium should be reformed. The Commission seeks views on the appropriateness of the options set out in the Consultation document (or any other option for reform of the broadcast moratorium not considered in this document that people consider should be brought to the Commission’s attention).

The Commission intends to publish the submissions received in response to this consultation so interested participants are requested to provide a non-confidential document, with confidential information contained in a separate annex, or redacted non-confidential version.

Respondents should make their submissions by:

Email to [email protected] by attaching their submission as a .docx or .pdf format file,


Post to Coimisiún na Meán, One Shelbourne Building, Shelbourne Road, Dublin 4, D04 NP20.

The deadline for submitting the response to this consultation is 5 pm on 4 September. Direct queries to the Commission by email at [email protected] or by phone at 01 644 1200.

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