21 Aug 2024

Global communications professional Aedhmar Hynes talks about life in USA

A recent Irish Times article features global communications professional, Aedhmar Hynes, in conversation with Frank Dillon (one of our popular trainers on PRII courses).

From Ireland, Aedhmar, who spoke at our National Conference in 2019, talks about how her storytelling capabilities have supported a three-decade career working for, and subsequently leading, a global public relations firm, Text 100.

While she stepped back from this role in recent years, she continues to serve on multiple businesses and boards of not-for-profits from her base in the US.

Reflecting on her life in the US and leading and supporting many top brands through digital transformation and tech disruption at Text 100 (US-based PR firm), she also spoke about her initial days adjusting and adapting to American culture and taking on Bill Gates and Microsoft as an early client.

Click here to read the full article.

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