23 Sep 2024

Independent stations are calling for a level playing-field and for urgent action

Independent Broadcasters of Ireland (IBI) recently released a statement regarding the Broadcasting policy in Ireland letting down the nation’s independent radio stations and their millions of listeners and failing to produce measures to support the real needs of radio stations in the sector.

The statement says, " the Broadcasting policy has focussed its attention on providing hundreds of millions of euros of funding to RTE.  Zero public funding is being provided to independent radio to support the provision of its core news and current affairs public service broadcasting. This is while RTE is being guaranteed in excess of €720 million in funding over three years (a figure which excludes RTE’s commercially generated revenue). The funding decisions for RTE appear to have been taken without any consideration being given to the effects on the independent sector. Independent stations believe that this situation will lead to serious market distortion. 

Meanwhile, several Schemes are being implemented, they are misdirected and impractical, and do not address the issues facing the sector in any meaningful way. The schemes are so unfit for purpose that despite intensive work by individual radio stations, they have been unable to find any way in which the schemes can be made work in helping stations meet their existing public service broadcasting obligations. This is because the schemes specifically rule out support for core news and current affairs and only fund “additional” content.

The schemes in their current form are described by the independent sector as “an ill-thought-out gig economy solution” which is unsuitable for radio.

After more than 18 months of seeking changes to make the schemes work for the independent radio sector each of the independent individual stations, separately and after intensive efforts, concluded that the design and operation of the Schemes meant it was not possible to make them work. These were decisions by each of the stations which starkly shows how unfit-for-purpose the schemes are.

Independent stations stress that they are willing and eager to work with the Minister, the Department and the Regulator to make the necessary changes to schemes for them to meet the needs of the independent radio sector. However, they say that based on recent experience, this is a process which will likely take at least 18 months. They say it is imperative that interim solutions are found."

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