PRII Diversity, Inclusion & Equality webinars

24 February 2025 - Expert briefing on recruiting non-EEA Staff

PRII, in collaboration with Fragomen, hosted an online expert briefing on recruiting non-EEA employees. Attendees gained insights on types of Employment permits, application processes & supporting documentation and hiring budgets. 

Fragomen is a global immigration advisory firm with a specialised team dedicated to Irish corporate immigration, offering expertise in best practices, consultative services and support to meet the full spectrum of business immigration needs. The webinar was delivered by Deirdre Murray, Director and Samantha Arnold, Senior Immigration Manager, at Fragomen Ireland. 

Re-launching our PRII Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) Initiative series for 2024 on Tuesday 14 May we announce a new and special collaboration with Open Doors and Harris PR.

One of the first actions PRII undertook as part of this initiative was to set up a free scholarship for someone to enrol on the PRII Diploma in PR. The scholarship, for someone from a background or community under-represented in the PR sector,  was run with the guidance and expertise of Open Doors. This year it’s even more valuable for someone – the complete webinar can be replayed here:


From September 2021, we held online Diversity, Equality and Inclusion seminars. The webinars can be found below:

2 September 2021 - The Business Case for PR/Communication Teams

The first PRII webinar on Diversity, Equality & Inclusion - The Business Case for PR/Communication Teams - was held on Thursday 2 September 2021.  Presentations and videos can be found here:


27 October 2021 - Incorporating Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Into Your PR Team Recruitment

The second PRII webinar on Diversity, Equality & Inclusion took place on Wednesday 27 October 2021.  Presentations and videos can be found here:


18 November 2021 - The Creativity Case: Diversity, Equality and Inclusion In PR teams

Held on Thursday, 18 November 2021, the third PRII webinar on Diversity, Equality & Inclusion presentations and videos can be found here.


24 March 2022 - Socio-Economic Diversity in PR and Media Teams

On Thursday 24 March 2022, the fourth seminar of our Diversity, Inclusion & Equality (DEI) Initiative was held online on the subject of socio-economic diversity in PR and Media Teams. Presentations and video can be found here:


19 July 2022 - Communicating with, and for, Irish Travellers as a Stakeholder Group

On Tuesday, 19 July members from across all sectors, private and public, large and small, along with agency leaders and some independent consultants, gathered online for the latest of the PRII Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Seminars, this time with guest speakers from Pavee Point and Edelman. Presentations and videos are here:


20 October 2022 - Disability Awareness in PR teams

The sixth and final free webinar of the year on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in the Public Relations sector focused on Disability Awareness in PR teams. Videos and presentations can be found here:


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